
Alina Nychyk has joined UDI as Chief Content Manager in August 2016. Alina is a PhD Candidate in Politics at the University of Manchester. Alina researches EU-Ukraine-Russia relations during the development of the conflict in Ukraine. She holds Bachelor’s Degree with honours in International Economics from Kyiv National Economic University and Master’s Degree in International Economic Relations from Wroclaw Economic University. Being an exchange student, Alina studied in Gazi University in Turkey and Goethe University, Frankfurt on Main in Germany.

Alina gained experience in business (Hewlett Packard, Dreberis consulting company), as well as in public sector (European Commission, European Parliament) and NGOs (Polish Forum of Young Diplomats). She is the author of 10 scientific publications (Wroclaw University of Economics, Szczecin University) and a number of newspaper articles (Free Thought, Newsletter for the European Union, Emerging Europe, Hold the Trend, Business Woman). Alina Nychyk is a social activist in Brussels and Kyiv. She is a Manager of the project ‘EU-Ukraine Women in Politics’.

