Promote Ukraine is a politically and governmentally independent platform to kick-start Ukrainian ideas in the EU. The organization was created in 2014. It is based in Brussels and most of its activities are conducted in Belgium. Marta Barandiy is a chairwoman of the organization Promote Ukraine. However, the board of directors decides on the strategic development of Promote Ukraine.

The organization tells about itself:
 we support the Ukrainian cause and give voice to Ukrainian civil society in Belgium and in the EU;
 we connect European businesses, NGOs and politicians with Ukrainian stakeholders;
 we communicate information about cultural, business and media initiatives in order to support visibility of Ukrainian projects in Europe;
 we organize training sessions to help improve the skills of our members and we
facilitate development of their career;
 we build a network of Ukrainian expats and promote people-to-people contacts in order to facilitate sharing of knowledge, know-how and best practices. The goal is to strengthen an interconnected Ukrainian community abroad.

For more information and updates, check the web-site: