Lethargic Vital Trite Analogy Pinterest

Lethargic means sluggish, kind of inactive. What is the relationship between “lethargic” and “vital” as it relates to “trite”? Trite means copycat, and the opposite of copycat is original. trite can also be defined as cliché, tired or overplayed.

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Lethargic Vital Trite Analogy Pinterest

'trite' means overused or lacking originality, and a similar word that could complete the analogy is 'cliché'. An analogy compares two things that are mostly different from each other but have some traits in common. A) unique b) slug c) lazy d) skinny.

Vital means very important.given these two are opposites and so similarly meaning of trite is having no originality and so opposite is unique which means.

Lethargic means lazy, whereas vital means full of life. Learn and practice verbal and word reasoning list of questions on analogy covered for all competitive exams, interviews,. Kind of like a cliche. Lethargic is to vital as trite is to fresh.

“lethargic” means lacking energy or interest, while “vital” means full of energy or life. The relationship between 'lethargic' and 'vital' can be. “trite” means copycat, and the opposite of “copycat” is “original.” “trite” can also mean cliché, tired or overplayed. “lethargic” is a cat sitting by the window on a rainy day.

a) Spin echo pulse sequence, Ti (TRITE = 600/20) and (b) T2 ( TRITE

a) Spin echo pulse sequence, Ti (TRITE = 600/20) and (b) T2 ( TRITE

The opposite of this is.

The cat's foot is called a paw. So, for the 2nd part of the analogy, you are looking for a antonym to trite. Vital means lively, essential, critical, etc. Lethargic means sluggish, kind of inactive vital means full of energy, lively so, they are antonyms.

Lethargic is the opposite of vital. Analogy questions and answers with examples and explanation. Various terms of an alphanumerical series are given with. Unique draws a parallel between pairs of words.

15y f/s DSH, acutely blind, OMB, lethargic. r/Radiology

15y f/s DSH, acutely blind, OMB, lethargic. r/Radiology

Trite means lacking originality or freshness.

So, for the 2nd part of the analogy, you are looking for a. (lord chesterfield)it takes one to know one is a trite expression.it is trite to say time heals all wounds. We need to find the antonym of trite. trite means overused and lacking originality. Lethargic means sluggish, inert inactive, slow, etc.

We then note that vital has the opposite meaning that lethargic. So, an antonym could be original, unique, innovative. Vital means full of energy, lively. In this analogy, the relationship between the pairs of words is one of opposites or contrasts.

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The question presents an analogy:

The horse's foot is called a hoof.

