Brown Spotting Bfn Then Bfp Period Late Is This My !!??
I guess if af doesn't show then test in 3/4 days if u can wait that long! Have a few symptoms, e.g. Turns out the brown spotting was from implantation bleeding.
BFP and then BFN? *Updated* BabyCenter
By lunchtime experienced dark brown bleeding. I wanted to tell you this because i had a very faint. Very small amount of brown spotting when i wiped first thing in the morning.
Took a test as a fluke.
Hi ladies, just wanna know your implantation bleeding experiences, if you had one and if it turned to a bfp or just af? It definitely seems to be lightening up (that being said, it has. Yesterday morning i noticed a little bit of thick cm with a pink/brown tint, again abit more in the afternoon then nothing till this morning. While i am having brown spotting and i know it's possible that af is on the way, all of these other symptoms make me wonder if i'm just having heavy implantation bleeding and my hcg levels.
With our dd got a bfp although very faint starting 13dpo. Have any of you experienced this but still. Gassier than normal, headaches, indigestion/heartburn, spotting. I still have a little of what i would call discoloured cm, slightly yellowy brown as if tinged by blood but really nothing major.
BFP and then BFN? *Updated* BabyCenter
My friend had a 3 day bleed and got a bfp though.
Yesterday i had two blobs if ewcm with a drop of brown and a little brown spotting this morning (yesterday was 12dpo) and i think implantation. I don't want to put a damper on things or anything but i had light spotting for about 10 days and then did a test which was bfp, only to then miscarry in the evening. Several bfn now (last one yesterday) and more brown spotting! Just had a brown smear when i wipe.sorry tmi.
I got my bfp yesterday at 11dpo then hours later i noticed a very light brown discharge only when i wiped. Hi, i tested up till 15dpo, bfn. Then had spotting and af like bleeding for 3 days. During my tww i used internet cheapies, superdrug, clearblue digital and first.
HELP!! BFP, Then bfn and then another BFP BabyCenter
Im not due period until thursday but am now on my 3rd day of spotting and on/off cramping.
Obgyn said i wouldn’t test. That was a week ago. Your levels might just be too low for the test to detect, try again in a few days and stay away from digital, those ones. I got bfn 11dpo afternoon, then bfp 12dpo fmu on a 10miu ic.
Around 4pmish, went to restroom to pee. Called dr, told to wait it out a few more days, keep up the clexane,. Wiped and tiny tiny tiny bit of tan/ brown spotting. Not been myself past few days.

11DPO, bfn. Had brown spotting yesterday AM and nothing since. Cramps 8
I'm 14dpo and have had some symptoms the last week or so that i've never experienced before with af:
It for the most part has decreased (8dpo got on pantiliner, yesterday/today just when i wipe). Today at 12 dpo i still noticed brown discharge a few times today too. Bfp on internet cheapie then first response! I don't know what's going on negatives tests and spotting doesn't seem to be.

Period late, brown spotting, is this my BFP!!??